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Dr Daniel Doyle


Dr Daniel Doyle


Graduated from Melbourne University in 1973 with honours and equal first in Medicine, Cardiology training was at St Vincent’s and Prince Henry’s Hospital. Postgraduate studies were completed  at the Department of Medicine Vincent's and St Vincent’s School of Medical Research as a National Heart Foundation Research Scholar then Canadian Heart Foundation Research Fellow at McMaster University Ontario Canada.

He established his clinical practice at Sacred Heart Hospital in 1984 and has been the director of the initial  Critical Care Unit and subsequently Coronary Care.

He established John Fawkner Cardiology with Roderic Warren and developed cardiac testing at Sacred Heart Hospital and John Fawkner Hospital.

More recently he developed CT coronary Angiography (CTCA) in association with i-Med and as level B expert in CTCA provides high quality studies. Since 2000 he has travelled widely in Africa assessing health projects for Edmund Rice Foundation Australia and recently facilitated a major solar energy project at St Therese Hospital in South Sudan.

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John Fawkner Private Hospital


275 Moreland Road, Coburg 3058