Dr Genevieve Bishop is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist who provides a caring approach and offers individualised holistic care in all stages of a woman’s life. She believes in a woman centred approach when providing the best evidence based care in both Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Her primary interest in obstetrics is for a safe pregnancy for mother and baby, however she realises there are many ways to achieve this. She understands that birth is not only about making babies but making mothers strong, competent and capable, and who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength. She is an advocate for all birth types, and will work with mothers to provide a safe and nurturing experience. She has had many years of experience managing both high and low risk pregnancies. She also has experience managing pregnancy after caesarean section, preconception counselling and pregnancy planning.
Gynaecologically, she has a particular interest in pelvic floor disorders in both young and older females. Her interest in continence and pelvic floor disorders acknowledges the devastating effect it can have on a women’s life no matter how big or small an issue it may be. She strives to treat her patients with appropriate management both medically and surgically to help them achieve an optimal and fulfilling life.
Dr Bishop also manages abnormal pap smears, contraceptive advice, menstrual disorders, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, post-menopausal bleeding, vulval disorders and symptoms of menopause.