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Dr Alex Papachristos


Dr Alex Papachristos

General Surgery, Endocrine Surgery

Dr Alex Papachristos is a specialist Endocrine and General Surgeon. After completing specialist general surgical training at The Royal Melbourne Hospital in 2019, he undertook subspecialty training in endocrine surgery at the prestigious University of Sydney Endocrine Surgery Unit, under the mentorship of Professor Stan Sidhu, Professor Mark Sywak and A/Prof Anthony Glover, and explored an interest in minimally invasive (laparoscopic and posterior retroperitoneoscopic) adrenal surgery, advanced thyroid cancer and re-operative parathyroid surgery.

In addition to endocrine surgery, Alex performs acute general surgery and is currently appointed at Royal North Shore Hospital, North Shore Private Hospital and Ryde Hospital. Outside his clinical work, Alex is actively involved in translational research and is exploring novel therapeutic options in advanced thyroid cancer.

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Northern Beaches Hospital


105 Frenchs Forest Road West, Frenchs Forest