260 Moreland Road
Brunswick 3056
03 9385 3000
03 9385 3085
Dr Boecksteiner’s orthopaedic and surgical treatments include limb and joint reconstruction of the knee, shoulder, hip and ankle/foot; focusing on repair, reconstruction, preservation of cartilage and joint function and effective validated surgical treatments for arthritis, sports injuries, trauma, non unions, and congenital defects.
She is an active member of the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA), the Royal Australian College of Surgeons (RACS), and the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS). Dr Boecksteiner graduated from Melbourne University medical school in 1990, with MBBS and worked at the Royal Melbourne Hospital for the first few years, developing a keen interest in orthopaedics.
During this time, she gained a Diploma of Anatomy, teaching anatomy at Melbourne University and Stanford University, from 1993 t- 1996. In 1999 she obtained her Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons (in orthopaedics) in Melbourne and secured a place at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne in reconstructive and alignment surgery. In 2000 to 2002 Dr Boecksteiner participated in post FRACS fellowships in knee sports injuries in Melbourne and Innsbruck and in limb deformity correction in Liverpool UK and Belfast.
Dr Boecksteiner’s interests and expertise include:
Arthroplasty / joint replacement
Arthroscopy and sport reconstruction of the knee, shoulder, hip and foot / ankle including re-alignment osteotomy and arthrodesis
Dr Boecksteiner’s practice now includes: