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Dr Asanga Abeyaratne


Dr Asanga Abeyaratne

General Medicine, Nephrology

Dr Asanga Abeyaratne is a specialist physician at the Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) and Darwin Private Hospital (DPH). He provides services extensively to rural, remote aboriginal communities in Katherine & West Arnhem regions.

He is the founder/director of NT Kidney clinic, providing outpatient services at the DPH in collaboration with Darwin Urology.

Dr Abeyaratne completed his undergraduate medical training at the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka in 2003. Subsequently, he travelled to the UK to complete his basic physician training and membership exam. 

In 2007, Dr Abeyaratne migrated to Australia and worked at the Royal Hobart Hospital completing fellowship exams. Following this, he completed specialist training in nephrology at the Queen Elizabeth hospital and Royal Adelaide Hospital in South Australia. 

Dr Abeyaratne is also a senior lecturer at the Flinders University NT Medical Program and an examiner for Royal Australasian College of Physicians Exams. More recently he has been appointed as the clinical lead for Territory Kidney Care (TKC) project funded by the Menzies school of health research.



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Darwin Private Hospital


Rocklands Drive, Tiwi 0810