9496 4331
(08) 9321 1012
Barry is a local graduate, attaining his MBBS from the University of Western Australia in 1992, and completing his cardiology training through Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital.
He went on to gain a Master of Medical Science Degree (UWA) by studying the use of ultrasound to measure carotid atherosclerosis and relate this to estrogen levels and other cardiovascular risk factors in elderly women.
He then spent two years at the University of California completing an Echocardiography Fellowship which provided him with 2 years of research and training in advanced Echocardiography and Adult Congenital Heart Disease.
Barry is Board Certified in Echocardiography by the American Society of Echocardiography, is a member of the American College of Cardiology, and a Fellow of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Echocardiography and General Cardiologist, Fiona Stanley Hospital.
Barry’s fields of expertise include general cardiology and risk factor management and advanced Echocardiography.