08 9481 0455
08 9481 0045
Appointments now available, call: 08 9481 0455
Varicose veins
Aneurysm treatments
Blocked arteries
Dr Brendan Stanley is a highly regarded and respected member of the Vascular and Endovascular community throughout Australia and internationally.
Brendan along with his team of outstanding clinicians and administrative staff, provide Perth's most comprehensive vascular healthcare service to patients who can be assured of leading diagnostic procedures, surgical skills, technology and theatre facilities to create the best possible outcome.
Brendan has extensive training and collaboration in vascular and endovascular surgery. He has been at the forefront of advancing the treatment of vascular disease with minimally invasive interventional surgical techniques that have resulted in shorter recovery periods whilst reducing both morbidity and mortality in patients.
He completed a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (BMBS) in 1987, was awarded a Fellowship in General Surgery in 1998 and a Fellowship in Vascular Surgery in 2000 by The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
In 2001 Dr Stanley began a consultant private practice at Waverley House, St Andrews Hospital, Adelaide. In 2005 Brendan commenced private practice at the Mount Medical Centre in Perth previously held by the eminent Dr Michael Lawrence-Brown.
Dr Stanley has held Visiting Consultant Vascular surgical positions at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Fremantle Hospital and Fiona Stanley Hospital and operates at The Mount Hospital, St John of God Hospital (SJOG) Murdoch and the Fiona Stanley Hospital.
Varicose veins
Aneurysm treatments
Blocked arteries