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Dr Desmond Graham


Dr Desmond Graham


Dr Desmond Graham is a dedicated advocate for educating and empowering the community on maintaining independence and vitality as we age. Through his work, Dr. Graham aims to provide individuals with practical tools to prevent or slow the onset of medical conditions, ultimately reducing hospital admissions and promoting healthy aging. As the host of the ‘Healthy Ageing Podcast,’ he spreads this message far and wide.

Dr Graham's interest in healthy aging was ignited by witnessing firsthand the disparities in healthcare delivery. Growing up in Broken Hill, a regional area in New South Wales, he experienced the challenges his family and friends faced in accessing specialist medical services and educational resources to maintain their health and wellbeing. This motivated him to pursue a career in healthcare and dedicate himself to making a difference.

An active member of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine, Dr Graham was awarded the Alek Safarian Scholarship at the University of Sydney. As the Lead Geriatrician at Geriatric Care Australia, he leads a team of geriatricians that support older individuals in the community nationwide.

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is available at

Northern Beaches Hospital


105 Frenchs Forest Road West, Frenchs Forest 2086