02 4927 1101
02 4927 1102
Dr Dhan Thiruchelvam is a highly qualified surgeon in the fields of the Obesity Surgery, Upper Gastro Intestinal Tract, and Surgical Endoscopy here at Newcastle Private Hospital. Dhan has been in practice for more than 15 years. Dhan ensures that all patients understand their condition, are given time to consider all the options and communication with patients and referring doctors is priority. His focus is always on achieving excellence in patient centred care and attaining the best patient outcomes.
Please feel free to contact Dhan at any time via his rooms or Newcastle Private switchboard for advice or to answer concerns regarding your patients. Any urgent patient can be seen in the week of referral if the referring doctor requires, and Telehealth appointments are also available.
Laparoscopic obesity surgery
Sleeve gastrectomy
Adjustable gastric banding
Gastric bypass – Roux, Single anastomosis, Mini, Sadi
Revisional weight loss surgery
Endoscopic weight loss options
Gastric ballon
Endoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery
Management of oesophageal reflux disease
Hiatal hernia repair