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Dr Mark Jackson

UNSW MBBS, FRACS General Surgery, FRACS(Vasc) Vascular Surgery, UNSW MD

Dr Mark Jackson

Vascular Surgery, Vascular Medicine

An experienced vascular surgeon, fully trained in open and endovascular (minimally invasive) surgical techniques. Dr Jackson has appointments at Gold Coast University & Gold Coast Private hospitals, Pindara and John Flynn Private hospitals. Dr Jackson also offers a broad range of venous therapies including ultrasound, sclerotherapy, thermal ablation and surgical techniques. Dr Jackson is an enthusiatic researcher including the areas of the management of peripheral arterial disease and in teaching & assessment of Vascular surgical trainees throughout Australia and New Zealand. He has been appointed Associate Professor at Griffith University Medical School.

Dr Jackson remains actively involved in Vascular Society (ANZSVS) affairs. He commenced with the Board of Vascular Suregry in 2008 and served 9 years as the Annual Trainees' Skills Course coordinator. He has been involed in the training of many Vascular Surgeons over that time. He has served as a RACS Fellowship examiner 2018-2024. Since 2018 has served on the Executive Committe of the ANZSVS in various portfolios, culminating in his election to Presdent of the ANZSVS for 2024-2026 period.


  • Aortic

  • Carotid

  • Endovascular

  • Peripheral Arterial

  • Venous

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Gold Coast Private Hospital


14 Hill Street, Southport 4215