(08) 8945 1882
Current Director of Rehabilitation and Chronic pain Services at RDH, Dr Chin also consults at the Darwin Private and Katherine District Hospitals.
Dr Chin graduated from Flinders University of South Australia in 1990 and completed Rehabilitation Medicine training in Adelaide in 1998.
Since returning to the Territory in 1999, he has been instrumental in establishing and developing services both in the public and private sectors.
With his assistance, Darwin Private Hospital set up a rehabilitation unit in 2008 and has developed a dedicated ward with a multidisciplinary team. It provides focussed rehabilitation programs for inpatients as well as a day program.
Dr Chin has also overseen the rehabilitation service at the Royal Darwin Hospital, which has expanded and developed its multidisciplinary inpatient and outpatient service. This has been complemented by the establishment of a multidisciplinary Chronic Pain Service and satellite rehabilitation service at the Katherine District Hospital.
He has provided regular education for Doctors and other Health Professionals. Dr Chin has chaired the NT Rehabilitation Network, been a Director of the Australian Pain Society, Member of the International Association of the Study of Pain and past Chair of the AFRM Accreditation Subcommittee.