02 4952 7400
02 4952 7854
Dr Konesh Thiyakesan is a Rehabilitation Medicine Physician. She has completed her Rehabilitation training in Sydney and during her training she warked in various tertiary hospitals including Westmead, Royal North Shore, Liverpool and Nepean. Her first appointment was as Clinical Director at Kurri Kurri Orthopaedic Rehabilitation service and she was responsible for the set up of this service. Konesh then joined the John Hunter Hospital team at the end of 2014 and still works there as a Staff Specialist.
Dr Konesh prides herself on her passion and dedication to each patients’ journey through Rehabilitation. She always strongly advocates for her patient’s goals and their quality of life.
Spasticity Management –Assessment and management of spasticity including ultrasound guided intramuscular Botulinum toxin injection (both in patients and out patients).
Geriatric rehabilitation. It includes generalised reconditioning following acute surgical or medical event, joint replacement, fall or combination of chronic health issues.
Amputee Rehabilitation
Multidisciplinary management for chronic Pain.
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
Neuro Rehabilitation