1300 722 206
02 80211244
Dr Lauren Kite is a practicing Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Specialist Pain Medicine Physician.
Lauren provides Obstetric care with delivery services out of Prince of Wales Private Hospital and The Royal Hospital for women.
Lauren was awarded a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) from the University of Sydney in 2008. She undertook her Obstetrics and Gynaecology training in Sydney and Newcastle. Her final years of O&G were completed at The Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney where she had gained extensive experience in the management of pelvic pain. She had the opportunity to develop advanced skills in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery as well as in other procedures related to the management of pelvic pain. Lauren’s Pain Medicine fellowship was completed at Royal North Shore and Prince of Wales Hospitals ending with a placement based out of the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. There Lauren gained experience in managing pelvic pain in the Paediatric, Adolescent and gender diverse populations.
Lauren also has a keen interest and active involvement in research. She has a Masters of Clinical Trials Research from the University of Sydney and has been published in peer reviewed journals and on clinical practice sites.
Lauren sees patients with conditions relating to pelvic pain including;
In addition, she sees patients with general gynaecology issues such as;