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Dr Leon Smith

Dr Leon Smith


Mr Leon Smith is a dual qualified specialist oral and maxillofacial surgeon who was born in Port Hedland, Western Australia and moved to Perth to commence university.

He completed a Bachelor of Dentistry at the University of Western Australia in 2001. He then practiced in general dentistry in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Leon completed a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery at the University of Melbourne (2006, 2009). He returned to Victoria to complete his advanced surgical training at  Royal Melbourne Hospital and Royal Children's Hospital of Melbourne

Leon maintains his relationship with the Northern Territory, practicing 3 days per month in a specialist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery clinic in Darwin. 


  • Orthognathic surgery
  • Oral and facial implant surgery
  • Facial trauma surgery
  • Indigenous health
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Darwin Private Hospital


Rocklands Drive, Tiwi 0810