02 8105 0590
02 8105 0599
02 9756 2788
02 9756 5811
Dr Shammas is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. She obtained her Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in 1997. She then completed an internship at Nepean Hospital. Her Specialist training then commenced in Sydney in 2007 and completed with a fellowship in 2013.
Dr Shammas is trained in minimally invasive surgery and most gynaecology procedures are performed laparoscopically allowing for faster recovery for ovarian cystectomy, hysterectomy and excision of endometriosis. She is also a certified colposcopic for abnormal pap smear. For Obstetric care, Dr Shammas is an advocate of natural birth and supports women with twin pregnancies, previous caesarean sections and uncomplicated breech presentation to have natural birth.
Obstetrics, treatment and management for the following conditions:
Heavy periods (menorrhagia)
Pelvic organ prolapse
Urinary incontinence
Pelvic masses including ovarian cyst
Menopausal symptoms
Sexual dysfunction such as vaginismus
Pelvic pain and Abnormal Pap Smears (Colposcopy)