02 9911 7250
02 9954 9938
Samriti is a Breast Oncoplastic surgeon who offers expertise in the management of women with all breast related conditions. She is a trained general surgeon who focusses on breast surgical oncology and oncoplastic surgery treating breast cancer and offering women reconstructive surgery as they make important choices regarding their overall body image and subsequent quality of life during and after cancer treatment
Samriti graduated with honours in medicine from The University of New South Wales. She is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, a member of General Surgeons Australia and the BreastSurgANZ Society. After completing general surgical training across major tertiary and regional NSW/ACT hospitals, she completed a Masters of Surgery and a Graduate Certificate in Surgery (Breast Surgery) from The University of Sydney. She then spent two years gaining extensive post-fellowship training and experience in breast oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery across Northern Sydney Area Health Network hospitals and Westmead hospital.