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Dr Simon Abson


Spine | Paediatrics

Dr Simon Abson

Orthopaedic Surgery, Spinal Surgery

Spine | Paediatrics

Dr Simon Abson is a spinal surgeon offering both public and private operative services in the Newcastle region.  Dr Abson obtained his medical degree from the University of Sydney in 2004 and trained locally within Hunter New England Health becoming a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in Orthopaedics and Trauma.  Dr Abson completed his advanced training as a fellow at Oxford University Hospital Trust in the UK. 

He offers treatment for all spinal disorders involving paediatric and adult deformity, trauma, tumour and degenerative processes. 


  • Spinal Surgery

  • Adult and Paediatric deformity surgery

  • Trauma 

  • Tumour resection

  • Discectomy

  • Decompression

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Newcastle Private Hospital


14 Lookout Road, New Lambton Heights 2305