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A/Prof Tuly Rosenfeld

A/Prof Tuly Rosenfeld


Associate Professor Tully Rosenfeld has over 30 years of experience practicing as a Geriatrician. He has expertise in a range of medical problems including dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, walking, gait disorders, falls, fractures and functional impairment. Decision making, legal competency & capacity are particular areas of interest.

He is Associate Professor at the University of NSW and Adjunct Associate Professor at The University of Notre Dame Sydney where he is involved in teaching and education.

A/Prof Rosenfeld has worked with NSW Health in the development and implementation of the Sub-Acute Fast Track Elderly Care program (SAFTE Care) which continued as the Healthy at Home Program currently established in various areas in NSW. 

Assoc. Prof Rosenfeld has establised a private practice, Specialist Ageing and Medicine Centre (www.ageingandmedicine.com.au) in Randwick. A number of other clinicans are also involved in this practice.

More recently Assoc. Prof Rosenfeld has worked to establish a new program to provide comprehensive care management services for older people and their carers in the community. Assoc. Prof Rosenfeld is a cofounder and joint director of HomeHealthHQ (www.HomeHealthHQ.com.au).


  • Dementia, Capacity
  • Informed Consent,
  • Falls
  • Mobility Disorders and Gait
  • Impairment in Older People
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Prince of Wales Private Hospital


Barker Street, Randwick 2031