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Dr Priya Rajagopal


Dr Priya Rajagopal

Obstetrics, Gynaecology

Dr Priya Rajagopal is an accredited specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist providing comprehensive obstetric and general gynaecology services. She is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and a member of Australian Colposcopy Society and the Australian Menopause Society.

Priya is committed to providing quality care that every woman deserves through her compassionate, patient-centred and holistic approach.

Other than English, Priya also speaks Hindi and Tamil.

She is actively engaged in teaching and training next generation specialists in O&G and is a RANZCOG accredited training supervisor for junior doctors undertaking diploma in the field. She strongly believes in the importance of specialists maintaining and growing their knowledge and skills through continual professional development.


She offers a comprehensive range of gynaecological services for:

  • Heavy / irregular uterine bleeding
  • Colposcopy - abnormal pap smear, cervical dysplasia
  • Contraception - mirena insertion
  • Prolapse of uterus
  • Ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries
  • Pelvic pain, endometriosis
  • Menopause and hormone replacement
  • Laparoscopy- removal of ovarian cyst, oophorectomies, salpingectomy
  • Vaginal surgery - hysterectomy, anterior and posterior repair for prolapse.
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is available at

Northpark Private Hospital


Corner Plenty & Greenhills Roads , Bundoora 3083