Psychiatry, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Medico Legal Psychiatry, Damascus Health Services
07 3831 9977
07 3831 9944
Psychiatry, Damascus Health Services, Drug and Alcohol Abuse
07 3924 3588
3112 4002
BSc (Med), MBBS FRANZCP Certificate General Adult Psychiatry
Psychiatry, General Adult Psychiatry, Mood Disorders, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Substance Abuse, Damascus Health Services
07 3831 1869
Psychiatry, General Adult Psychiatry, Substance Abuse, Damascus Health Services, Drug and Alcohol Abuse
07 3924 3588
07 3236 9100
Psychiatry, Damascus Health Services, Drug and Alcohol Abuse
07 3832 6027
07 3831 3404
MBBS (Hons), BPharm, FRANZCP
Psychiatry, Damascus Health Services, Drug and Alcohol Abuse
07 3720 9700
07 3720 9755
Psychiatry, Damascus Health Services, Drug and Alcohol Abuse
07 3831 1869
Damascus Health Services, Psychiatry, Drug and Alcohol Abuse
0490 846 890
07 3532 5144