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A/Prof Harald Puhalla


A/Prof Harald Puhalla

Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, General Surgery, Weight Loss Surgery, Hepato Biliary, Bariatric Surgery

A/Prof Harald Puhalla is an experienced general surgeon with a particular clinical interest in bariatric, hepato-pancreatic-biliary and upper gastrointestinal surgery.

Dr Puhalla is known for his compassionate and holistic care to achieve the best possible results for his patients. His bariatric patients particularly benefit from his close cooperation with highly experienced dietitians and psychologist.

With a PhD background and an interest in teaching and science he became the Associate Professor of surgery for Griffith School of Medicine at GCUH, where he holds a public appointment.

Dr Puhalla was trained at the University Hospital of Vienna under the guidance of international leaders of surgery and has a particular interest in the latest surgical techniques, including minimally invasive treatment concepts.


  • Weight loss and metabolic surgery (laparoscopic gastric sleeve, Omega loop gastric bypass, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, Revisional bariatric surgery)
  • Cholecystectomy and bile duct exploration (gallstones, advanced laparoscopic bile duct surgery)
  • Hernia (laparoscopic repair of abdominal wall, inguinal and femoral hernia)
  • Hiatus hernia (laparoscopic reflux surgery)
  • Liver and Pancreas surgery (modern cancer treatment concepts with option of laparoscopic surgery)
  • Bowel surgery
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Gold Coast Private Hospital


14 Hill Street, Southport 4215