The best people in private mental health will care for you at The Victoria Clinic. Here, the focus is you and your recovery. The Victoria Clinic’s team of psychiatrists, addiction and pain medicine specialists, Allied Health staff and experienced, registered mental health nurses, will ensure your experience is the best it can be.
Our clinic in the heart of Prahran is growing but we’ll continue to deliver the personal service you’d expect to experience in a smaller clinic. We offer a variety of inpatient services and day programs tailored to meet your individual needs. Please be assured that you’re in the very best hands.
ADHD, Older Persons Psychiatry, Mood Disorders, Psychiatry
03 9526 0244
03 9270 0364
MBBS MPsych GCFBS FRANZCP Cert. Forensic Psych
General Adult Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Palliative Care, Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Psychosis, Personality Disorders
FRANZCP (Cert. Addictions), MBBS (Hons), MMed (Psychiatry), MSc (Addiction Studies)
Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine
03 9526 0244
03 9270 0364
Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Substance Abuse
03 9420 1477
03 9487 4636
General Adult Psychiatry, Mood Disorders, Psychiatry, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anxiety Disorders
03 9526 0244
03 9270 0364
Psychiatry, General Adult Psychiatry, Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders
03 9526 0244
03 9270 0364
Psychiatry, General Adult Psychiatry, Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders
03 9526 0282
03 9270 0364
Psychiatry, General Adult Psychiatry, Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders
03 9526 0244
03 9270 0364
Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, General Medicine
03 9426 7800
03 9426 7841
03 9526 0244
03 9270 0364
Psychiatry, General Adult Psychiatry, Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders
03 9526 0244
03 9270 0364
Psychiatry, General Adult Psychiatry, Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders
03 9526 0244
03 9521 2799
General Adult Psychiatry, Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, Psychosis, Psychiatry
03 9526 0244
03 9270 0364
BBiomed, MD, MPsych, FRANZCP
03 9526 0244
03 9270 0364
The Victoria Clinic
324 Malvern Rd, Prahran 3181
Phone: 03 9526 0200 | Fax: 03 9526 0268